How to take good pictures of your pet
We can’t all be professional photographers, but maybe with some tips, you will be able to take some great pictures that not only are fantastic to post on social media, but are great references for an artist like myself to use when painting your pet portraits.
Here’s a few tips to help you when taking pictures of your pets:
Use Natural Light
I cannot stress this enough. Natural light brings out your pets TRUE colors. What is natural light? Simply speaking, it’s sunlight. Diffused sunlight works best (like a cloudy day when outside, or the blinds somewhat drawn when it’s sunshiney out). Avoid flash. Take photos outside or in front of a large window.
2. Keep those eyes in focus!
Eyes are the windows to the soul! They hold the most expression in your pet’s face. Keep those beauties in focus and well-lit!
3. Forget them coming to you–go to them!
Some of my best photos are when I went to my pet while they were most comfortable and doing their own thing. Keep this in mind when taking their pictures! Most animals aren’t good at posing on the spot…so sometimes you just have to go to them when they’re calm and comfortable and doing their own thing.
4. Show off their personality
No two pets are alike and each has their own personalities. I have three cats and a dog, and NONE of them are alike! I have a very lazy cat, a mischievous cat, and a smart cat (and a goofy dog!!) and I try to capture them when their personality shines through the most.
5. Surprise them.
Yep. Make sounds. Crinkle a bag. Shake your keys. Why? It can capture their attention, so you can capture their picture! Something that works great for my cats is dangling their favorite toy or treat in front of them. They will usually sit still long enough for me to snap a few good pictures, before I reward them.
6. Experiment
Don’t be afraid to try different angles and compositions. Take HUNDREDS of photos. Trust me. It can take hundreds to capture the perfect photo. And have fun!